What is it about vacation that makes you need a vacation? Last week I had a blessed few days on the beach with my family. It was a sweet time for us. But let’s be honest, vacation is hard work for a weary mom. Doing life out of suitcases and out of your normal routine is not easy. I loved it, but at times I thought being home would have been easier. Still, breaking away with our families is important. So, God willing, we do it.
Lately, I keep having to push down this feeling of wanting to run away. Mostly, I just want to run away to Starbucks ,the Mall, or someplace where someone will make me a sandwich. By the way, there is no greater love than a friend who makes sandwiches I think. Maybe this is my own personal struggle, I wrote about it in Hope, but daily it still presses in.
I’ve been reading Psalms this summer and been encouraged by David. He was running for his life, literally. But, in his heart David was always running to the Lord. And, while he was running from and to simultaneously, he was most likely singing about it. I’m realizing, as I’m watching David, I can run away and change my circumstances. But if I run to the Lord, it will change my heart.
“But let those who run to You for safety be glad they did;
let them break out in joyful song.
May You keep them safe—
their love for You resounding in their hearts.
12 You, O Eternal, are the One who lays all good things in the laps of the right-hearted.
Your blessings surround them like a shield.”
Psalm 5: 11 – 12, The Voice Translation
This is my prayer, today for you and me. That we will be found running to the Lord, and be glad we did. I’m asking God to overwhelm us with His grace. May His love will fill our hearts and echo in our lives. May the song break forth, friends. Even if we are on way to Starbucks.
[callout]The NEW “Hope for the Weary Mom: Let God Meet you in The Mess” is coming February 2015! [/callout]
I’ve been struggling with running too, but not necessarily anywhere physical…it’s in my mind. I retreat in there when things get hard, or when little boys are being difficult. Maybe that’s the introvert’s response to feeling overwhelmed, but it’s not always a bad thing for me (sometimes it is…). Sometimes it causes to me to reflect on my great need for Jesus, and then cry out in prayer. Those times have been increasing lately, but it’s still a battle to keep my heart and my mind with my family, and not somewhere else.
I think that is true, even for us extroverts when we can’t get away, we withdraw – I so get that! I’m an odd mix of both!
I am constantly feeling like I want to run away too. I agree I think it’s an introvert thing – especially when you have an extroverted son AND husband. It’s so hard when you just want the world to go away. But at least it’s a relief to say so – and then – wow RUNNING TO GOD! God help me to remember that THERE is the only place I will find true solace!
P.S. I’ve been doing Beth Moore’s study on David. I think you’re probably right about him singing through most of it…which is probably why your heart connects with his so well 🙂 Keep singing mama!
This? Yes … and a friend who makes sandwiches is only trumped by a friend who makes rice krispy treats in my book. {Why is it that I can bake a cake from scratch but cannot manage rice krispy treats???}
It’s those friends who just know when we need a quick respite from the day’s never-ending tasks, the ones who drop by with a sweet tea from McDonalds or send that mid-afternoon text that says, “We’ll make it!” … what a gift they are, right?
Thank you for your words, sweet Stacey. Summer drains me in every. single. way. I need to remember where to run!
That is so funny about the Rice Krispie Treats because my daughter loves to make them and we have a pan (or what is left of one) on the counter!
God, send us friends like that, right? They are treasures!