Hello friend.
I’m so glad you are here.
Would you sit awhile with me, and chat?
Life gets crazy busy at my house. I’ve been running at the speed of mom lately and I realized we have not had the chance to just hang out recently. I know, you understand because your life is crazy busy, too! One of my dreams for this place is that it always feels like home to you. I want you to drop in when you can with your cup of coffee, read during nap-time, and be encouraged. I hope you feel that when you are here.
Are you new around here? I thought it would be fun to get to know each other. Here are 4 things about me:
- Where I’m sitting: Central Florida in my big red chair (think Blues Clues)
- What I’m reading: Let Hope In (Pete Wilson) and A Million Little Ways (Emily Freeman) – video reviews forthcoming!
- What I’m craving: French Toast with bacon or Java Chip Ice Cream (can you tell I’m on a diet?)
- What Verse I’m Living: Romans 15:13
Ok, now it is your turn…tell me 1-4 things about yourself, and if you have any any questions about me—please ask them in the comments!
P.S. Have you subscribed to my newsletter? Just fill in your email address below. And as a thank you, if you forward your newsletter confirmation to 29lincolnavenue(at)gmail(dot)com, I’ll send you a free devotional called “What God Wants You To Know.”
This makes me smile…I’d be glad to tell you my four!
1. Where I’m sitting: in the NW Chicago burbs on my comfy purple couch
2. What I’m reading: Does reading through my book proposal over and over (and over) count?
Not reading too much right now…distraction and busyness have gotten in the way of that. Though I’m loving Holley Gerth’s devotional, Opening the Door to Your God-Sized Dream. And on my must-read-soon stack is One Light Still Shines by Marie Monville.
3. What I’m craving: sausage. (I’m strange. I know.)
And a salted caramel latte from Starbucks.
4. What verse I’m living: Psalm 63:7 “for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.”
Happy Monday to you!
Fall in NW Chicago sounds amazing! And Yeah for your book proposal! I have learned they are a huge undertaking and you do get credit for reading it!
Love that verse an Holley, well I’m a fan!
Thanks Mel!! Praying for your book proposal!
What a fun idea! Here’s my four:
1) Where I’m sitting: in Northern NY, at my dining room table
2) What I’m reading: Made To Crave, Raising Kids Who Hunger For God, Controlling Your Emtions (so they don’t control you), and a free Kindle download fluff book to shut my brain off once and awhile.
3) What I’m craving: hm. I don’t know. I think I ate everything I craved yesterday. Oops. My body is definitely craving water today, to wash all that yuck out. My taste buds are craving more Drip Beef sandwiches though.
4) What verse I’m living: Psalm 126:5-6 “Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.” I’m working on joy, finding the joy of the Lord as my strength, trusting God that these hard years of parenting and hard headed tweens will bring forth a season of joy if we continue to sow seeds.
And with that, I’m off to sow seeds, be faithful and hopefully not lose my cool. Have a great week!
For real, are you freezing NW New York? Who wrote the book on “Raising Kids Who Hunger For God?” sounds great!
Blessings friend!
It is getting very chilly way up here. Soon it will be in the 20’s at night. But that brings snow and I do love snow during the holidays!
The book is not new and is out of print. My pastor’s wife recommends it highly. I got my copy on abebooks.com — http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=11254550719&searchurl=sts%3Dt%26amp%3Btn%3DRaising%2Bkids%2Bwho%2Bhunger%2Bfor%2Bgod
Good morning!!!
Where I’m sitting: In my classroom in Alabama. It’s my planning period and I’m loving the quiet music and empty room!
What I’m reading: Well, I teach literature, so my current list is A Tale of Two Cities, The Scarlet Letter, and Around the World in Eighty Days. If only I had time for recreational reading…
What I’m craving: Peace in my heart
What Verse I’m Living: Psalm 42:11
Glad to have found you today!
Love hanging out with you for planning period! Praying over your day.
You get gold stars for all that reading!
May the God of peace wrap you up today friend!
Haven’t been to your site in awhile, but clicked to it from your tweet. Always glad when I come by for a visit.
Where I’m sitting: on my lunch break in a dark back office, rainy Michigan
What I’m reading: devotional by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp
What I’m craving: being by the ocean…and courage (or a pumpkin cream cheese muffin from Starbucks if we’re talking about food! )
What verse I’m living: Psalm 27….or at least I’m trying to hang onto it.
Hope you have a delightful day!
Anne I was at the beach twice in the past week which is for sure a record for me. Even though we only live 45 minutes away! But, for 2 mornings I sawa the sun come up over the beautiful ocean and my heart was filled! Praying you get that time soon!
Hi Stacey! Here are my answers:
Where I’m sitting: It’s a Monday. I don’t get to sit on Mondays.
What I’m reading: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, and The Birth House by Ami McKay.
What I’m craving: a good long day with the Lord. Hopefully tomorrow or Thursday. Probably Thursday. It will go well with my planned massage.
What verse I’m living: In light of my 31 Days blogging, I’d have to say Romans 8:37.
Massage! Awesome. I say, take the day with the Lord first. My brain is mush after a good massage! Enjoy!
Hi Stacey,
Where I’m sitting: Central Iowa on my couch, in my freshly vacuumed front room. (Monday is cleaning day – have to enjoy it before others get home!)
What I’m reading: What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa TerKeurst, A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs, and A Devotional Journey Through Judges by Laura Krokos.
What I’m craving: Writing time
What Verse I’m Living: Philippians 2:13
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
Dear Tracey,
have been a loyal email subscriber since 2012. I have also subscribed to your newsletter and emailed you the confirmation. Unfortunately I never received an email with link to the ebook (devotional).
Abby – so sorry about that! I just sent you the ebook! Blessings and thanks so much for being a subscriber to the blog! May God bless you!
1. Lusaka, Zambia – it’s 91 degrees in my house right this minute
2. Just finished ‘Be Still My Soul’ by Joanne Bischof. I’m still reading ‘1000 Gifts’ by Ann Voskamp and ‘Unglued’ by LysaTerkeurst. I finish fiction so much faster than non-fiction.
3. Chick-fil-a, Sonic, Starbucks, Whataburger, Saltgrass Steakhouse, McDonald’s or any other American restaurant you can think of!
4. Psalm 34:18
Waving Robyn – It is in the 80’s here today and I slowly read “1000 Gifts” over the course of year! Great book! So glad you are here!
How fun! Ok:
1. Where I’m sitting: my couch in south MS (wrapped in a cozy throw-on one of our 1st cool mornings this fall)
2. What I’m reading: your book (of course;) SO GOOD/ Trapped by Irene Hannon, and Guideposts Devotional
3. What I’m craving: Curly Fries
4. Verse I’m learning: Psalm 42:8
Love-love-love your book and your blog! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Lou! You are so sweet! Stay warm girl! Sounds like boot weather to me!
Hi Stacey!
I am on my comfy couch in California, although I am moving to Texas next month! I am in the middle of reading an AMAZING true story about a family who donated their daughter’s organs after she was killed in a skiing accident. The book is called, “Taylor’s Gift A Courageous Story of Giving Life and a Renewing Hope” By Todd & Tara Storch. I am always craving cheesecake! Ha ha! My verse in the moment is: Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Love your blog by the way!
Hi, Stacey. I just found my way here via “Every Bitter Thing is Sweet.”
Where I’m sitting: on my super comfy mattress (complete with fun sheets from Target) in North Texas. Since the weather can’t decide if it wants to be hot or cold, I’ve got the fan on but am also wearing a sweatshirt!
What I’m reading: I’m terrible about having several books going at once. Among the most active reads are “The Fellowship of the Ring,” “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” and several books related to trauma, music therapy, and refugees for research.
What I’m craving: balance…and coffee!
What verses I’m aspiring to: Colossians 3:12-14
Fan + sweatshirt = awesome! And Colossians 3 is one of my favorite passages! So nice to meet you Jen!