Hello friend.

I’m so glad you are here.
Would you sit awhile with me, and chat?


Life gets crazy busy at my house. I’ve been running at the speed of mom lately and I realized we have not had the chance to just hang out recently. I know, you understand because your life is crazy busy, too! One of my dreams for this place is that it always feels like home to you. I want you to drop in when you can with your cup of coffee, read during nap-time, and be encouraged. I hope you feel that when you are here.

Are you new around here? I thought it would be fun to get to know each other. Here are 4 things about me:

  1. Where I’m sitting:  Central Florida in my big red chair (think Blues Clues)
  2. What I’m reading: Let Hope In (Pete Wilson) and A Million Little Ways (Emily Freeman) – video reviews forthcoming!
  3. What I’m craving: French Toast with bacon or Java Chip Ice Cream (can you tell I’m on a diet?)
  4. What Verse I’m Living: Romans 15:13

Ok, now it is your turn…tell me 1-4 things about yourself, and if you have any any questions about me—please ask them in the comments!



P.S. Have you subscribed to my newsletter? Just fill in your email address below. And as a thank you, if you forward your newsletter confirmation to 29lincolnavenue(at)gmail(dot)com, I’ll send you a free devotional called “What God Wants You To Know.”