

I love summer. It is a time where our family schedule relaxes a little and I have more time to write. I like the fact that we can sleep a little later, read a little more, and grab more time doing the things we WANT to do, rather than the things we feel like we HAVE to do.

This summer I wanted to add a NEW element to my coaching offerings. I am still doing 1-1 calls (30 minutes or 1 hour sessions). These have been going great. I have enjoyed talking to so many women who are excited to take the next step as a writer and communicator. I’ve met new friends and connected with old friends. If you have been on the fence about a coaching call, find out more here. Or feel free to shoot me an email.

So what is new? This summer I’m planning some group coaching sessions as well. The first session is actually in partnership with my good friend Kat Lee. (Hello Mornings) She has a content planning workshop that will knock your socks off! The basic idea is that after this 3 hour workshop you will have content planned for your blog, book, podcast, social media or membership course for the ENTIRE YEAR! Kat teaches this workshop across the country and is offering a small class online June 27.

I’ll be there and I want you to be there too!


To find out more, go here.

In July I am planning on a workshop on how to study the Word sponsored by Girlfriend’s Guide to the Bible as well as another writing workshopl. Stay tuned! I’d love to hear from you what you want to learn this summer!

Looking forward,


P.S. Do you know someone who might benefit from these summer sessions? Feel free to send him this blog post! I’d love to meet them.