
Write it girl is back! Whatever is on your heart, whatever is going on in your life. Write it, girl. I am a writer; make that declaration. Regardless of your background, your gifts, your grammar. Write it, girl. Write with confidence in your space; that little corner of the web He’s given you. Ask Him to give you a vision for what He wants with your words and write it, girl. Come and share your words, bring it to this safe place where you can write what is on your heart, and encourage others in their writing, as well. Write it, Girl! Have a word on your heart?

Go. Now. Write it, girl…

What started as a blog and a writing challenge to other #writeitgirl girls is now a live show with my dear  friend and co-creator Katie Orr. But don’t worry if you missed it, you can catch the playback right here:


In this episode we talk about:

  • How it all began in November 2011
  • Your calling as a #writeitgirl
  • Your dreams
  • God may use you to call out the gift in another woman — do it!
  • Hindrances to being a #writeitgirl (fear of failure, finding the time)
  • Know that being a writer does not have to LOOK a certain way
  • Preview of our next episode on ‘Spark’

Let go of what you THINK a writer should be: We need to see what Writers can be.

We can be regular girls writing down words. We can write during haptime. We can write at Soccer fields.

We can be a #writeitgirl right now. 

Hope you enjoy Episode 1!

