by Stacey Thacker | Jun 24, 2012 | Bible in 90 Days, Encourage, Grow |
“But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.” 2 Samuel 11:27 David was called a man after God’s own heart. He was a strong warrior for the Lord. He had faith to kill a giant that made grown men run for the hills. He stirred the loyalty of...
by Stacey Thacker | May 22, 2012 | Connect, Encourage, Grow |
A few weeks ago, I had the chance to hear from Priscilla Shirer at the Going Beyond Simulcast, which was recorded live at my church. Here are a few things from this amazing event, that she said… I am not going to be the woman I want to become if I don’t...
by Stacey Thacker | May 11, 2012 | Bible in 90 Days, Connect, Encourage, Grow |
Hey friends! Can I just tell you how excited I am about this? Watch this video to find out more! (if you are reading this in your email, be sure to click through so you can watch, too!) Joining me so far will be: Ruth from The Better Mom Teri Lynne from Terilynne...
by Stacey Thacker | May 1, 2012 | Connect, Encourage |
Today, I met (in)Courage. She drove a hundred miles to chase down community. She smiles as my kids draw chalk pictures and hug her so tight she can’t breathe. I think how fun it is to have her sitting on my sofa, tweeting, and eating my coffee almond fudge ice...
by Stacey Thacker | Apr 26, 2012 | Connect, DaySpring, Encourage |
This weekend it starts. (in)courage is bringing the beach house to your neighborhood. I am excited to be hosting one here in my neck of the woods. And I have to warn you, if you are coming, I’m a hugger. I know for some of you, the thought of coming to a...
by Stacey Thacker | Apr 6, 2012 | Encourage
In all things, we know that we are more than conquerors…you keep us by your love. No matter where I am healing is in your hands. Healing is your Hands, as sung by Christy Nockels {email readers, click through to listen} Amen. Amen....
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