Today, I met (in)Courage.
She drove a hundred miles to chase down community. She smiles as my kids draw chalk pictures and hug her so tight she can’t breathe. I think how fun it is to have her sitting on my sofa, tweeting, and eating my coffee almond fudge ice cream.

Today, I met (in)Courage. She has a sweet southern accent that makes me wish I did, too. Her hands bring coffee with cream and she makes everything lovely. She shares her heart, and makes me want to share mine as well.

Today, I met (in)Courage. She was brave and came alone. She reads words on her laptop and drinks them soul deep. Her eyes shine when she laughs.

Today, I met (in)Courage. She loves Mercy and enjoys making a place for women to gather.  Even when she can’t be there herself, she sends parts of her heart and prays as we meet.

Today, I met (in)Courage. She has passion and a God sized dream and she says it out loud to a room full of new friends. They receive it and give her hope back.

Today, I met (in)Courage. She gives precious gifts that will last longer than 3 hours and remind sweet women they are loved, cherished, and daughters of the King.

Today, I met (in)Courage. She is quiet, but inspires a friend to live out her God calling. She is faithful and sweet and the one we all need in our little corner of the world.

Today, I met (in)Courage.
She is a sister. A friend. A mama.
She is a lot like you.
She has a story like me.

Today, I met (in)Courage.
I’m wondering, did you meet her too?