How to Have the Best Year Yet

There is a “me” that emerges in relationship to writing, like the “me” that emerges in certain friendships, who make me laugh. The Right to Write, Julie Cameron : : : As we look a new year square in the face with all its hopes, dreams, and...

Where Grace Leads

Last January I began a journey to walk purposefully in grace for an entire year. As 2011 draws to a close, I hardly know how to wrap up my thoughts on the matter. It isn’t because I don’t have any, because I do.  My head and heart are swimming with more...


The first person I spoke to at The Relevant Blogging Conference said it out loud. She said, “You are a writer.  You have a voice.” I was stunned.  I back pedaled and she said, “Why don’t you believe it?” Oh wow. Why don’t I believe...