{He} will not let slip any opportunity of being gracious to you…

Matthew Henry

After almost a year of studying grace, I have found it to be true, that there is more grace than I can study. There is more grace than I can comprehend.  He has not run out of grace for me. And, He will not let a moment go by, where grace is needed, that He doesn’t abundantly supply.

Where are you today, friend?  Have you told yourself that there is none left?  Is grace for others but not you?  Do you see yourself as an object of grace?

He wants us to lean in close and hear Him say…

  • I long to be gracious to you.
  • I wait – until just the right moment in you life – to apply it.
  • I know when you are ready to receive it.
  • My grace is perfectly tailored for you.
  • I am ready to meet you, right where you are with grace.

God’s heart for you is all about grace. You can’t earn it.  You can’t predict it.  It just is.

: : :

Will you walk with me today, in Grace?

Isaiah 30:18

Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you,
And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you…

This is day 10 of 31 Days of What God Wants You To Know.  If you would like to see all the posts in one place, click the button below. I will add to the list daily!

{Adding this post to a Monday link up at Imparting Grace, another 31 dayer.}