{He} will not let slip any opportunity of being gracious to you…
Matthew Henry
After almost a year of studying grace, I have found it to be true, that there is more grace than I can study. There is more grace than I can comprehend. He has not run out of grace for me. And, He will not let a moment go by, where grace is needed, that He doesn’t abundantly supply.
Where are you today, friend? Have you told yourself that there is none left? Is grace for others but not you? Do you see yourself as an object of grace?
He wants us to lean in close and hear Him say…
- I long to be gracious to you.
- I wait – until just the right moment in you life – to apply it.
- I know when you are ready to receive it.
- My grace is perfectly tailored for you.
- I am ready to meet you, right where you are with grace.
God’s heart for you is all about grace. You can’t earn it. You can’t predict it. It just is.
: : :
Will you walk with me today, in Grace?
Isaiah 30:18
Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you,
And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you…
This is day 10 of 31 Days of What God Wants You To Know. If you would like to see all the posts in one place, click the button below. I will add to the list daily!
{Adding this post to a Monday link up at Imparting Grace, another 31 dayer.}
Oh how I need His grace, every day. I sometimes think I am undeserving. And I am, but in His love and mercy He continues to pour out grace!
Everyday, all day long for you Barbie! He will never stop!
Yes, I will walk in grace with you. It is the only way to walk.
I love this post! Oh, that we could remember that this is the way God works! We tend to get our ideas about God all mixed up–thank you for this wonderful reminder.
Every Monday I host a little party called “Grace Imparted” (Grace Imparted at Imparting Grace–I’m a whiz with names). It’s a place to celebrate the grace of God, shown to us in little or big ways. My hope is that we would all come to realize that we live in a grace-bathed reality.
We live a grace-bathed reality! I love that Richella!
You know, I went looking for you the other day! I saw that you were doing a 31 day series too, and sine we are both “Good Girls” I wanted to read what God was putting on your heart. But – I lost your blog and could not find you! So it is truly God that you stumbled over here today! I think it was meant to be! 🙂 On my way there, now!
Grace, God’s great grace. It is a life giving necessity in our daily life. Thanks.
Have you girls heard the song “Grace Flows Down” by Christy Nockels & Passion? It brings me to my knees everytime I hear it. I JUST posted this song today & switched over to your blog, Stacey & could not believe your title for today! God is AMAZING! Grace is a word that is now weaved into every part of my day because of the gift He gave us in our daughter, Lulu Grace. We were just choosing a pretty name, He was & is changing us into the people he wants us to be, all because of His grace.
I love that song! We have a “Grace” girl in our home, too. I love your story Cami! Thanks for sharing it here today. I’m going to go listen to you song right now!
Grace… My absolute favorite word. I’m a recipient, a lowly recipient who LOVES and appreciates her Savior greatly for His extension of grace.
Wonderful, wonderful post, my friend!
Stefanine, you are so wonderfully supportive! I can’t wait to meet you in a couple of weeks!
I love this post! Grace is one of those things that just seems way too big for me to understand it and that overwhelms me sometimes. But, every time I start to grasp some small part of what God means about grace, I am humbled over and over by just how amazing He is.
Grace overwhelms and humbles us! It it truly is amazing! Thanks amy for stopping by and sharing your heart.
God’s AMAZING GRACE….nothing better….or BIGGER! 😉 thank you for this post, new friend! blessings, cat
Hi bloggy friend. Your words are always so rich in my life. Grace. A thing that I just can’t get enough of. Beautiful.
Hey Robyn! Thanks for stopping by, hope you are well and living in grace today!
stacey, this just made my heart swell… and i can hear Him whispering these love notes into my soul. thank you for the reminder today.
That is just what this month is all about! Love notes for your soul! I’m so glad you were encouraged!