Ephesians 1:18,19
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe..

I have been praying this for my husband for well over a year now. I love praying through these verses and asking God show him that there is surpassing great power toward him every day of his life…the same power that raised Christ from the dead. It is my earnest prayer that he live in victory and not defeat.

Have you read a little book by Joseph Stowell called Simply Jesus? I’ve had it for some time in my guest bedroom. I thought it would be a good book to read to prepare my heart for Easter. The title is so inviting! Last night I read this awesome quote:

The Resurrection is at its very essence the ultimate victory over sin, death and hell. All the forces of evil spent their best efforts to permanently ground their Archenemy behind a massive, immovable stone–guarded by imperial guards from the most powerful empire on earth.
And then with

a word from God —the merest breath
death was defeated, and sin and the forces of hell no longer held sway. Jesus lives and in Him the power of sin is rendered weak and ineffective.” p 61

Oh my that is rich! In Christ we have victory over sin – it is rendered powerless and ineffective. Hell no longer holds sway! Hell brought all it had to the table and it took one word from the Father and death and its vice grip was demolished!

Thank you that the Resurrection means that there is surpassing great power for those that believe. That you desire us to live in victory – not defeat. May we rise up to meet that calling for the hope and glory of all that you plan for us this day!

Looking Forward,