I have a confession.

I hide from my kids.

I hide in the bathroom.

I hide in the laundry room.

And sometimes, I hide when they are standing right in front of me. True story.

In my defense, there are 4 of them, they are all girls, and with me, most days, 24/7.

Some would say I have good reason to hide,  and often.

But, I heard a word last night at a meeting for my homeschooling group that rocked my world.  The word was engagement.

It means the act of engaging {which means to occupy the attention or efforts of (a person or persons}: (dictionary.com)

I had to ask myself, “Am  I spending more time hiding than I am engaging them?  Do I let them occupy my attention, easily?  Or am I somewhere else living another life? “

I forget sometimes, that engagement does not always mean deep, serious, life changing conversation. Most times, they simply want to tell me funny joke, ask me a question, or tattle on their sister.

I’m still working on the answers to those questions, while hiding in my bedroom writing this post.

{Sigh} I am learning so much, being their mom.  I’m pondering this thought in my heart today:

My engagement in the moment communicates their worth.