The Lord often works on my heart during worship.  Sunday was no different.  I wrestled with Him once again over a pruned place in my life.  So I sat down, and scribbled these notes…

There are times when a pruned place hurts deeply.

Initially, it was painful. A short time passed and it became bearable with a dose of perspective.  But, in the long of long suffering, it begins to hurt again.   It is a deeper hurt this time.

“Will it always hurt?  Will there always be the twinge of pain?”

He absorbs that pain, I know, by His Grace.

But,  I wonder Lord,  “How do I honor You, while I am still desiring the very thing You saw fit to cut away?”

And then as soon as I take the next breath, I have my answer.

He whispers…”give thanks.”

Counting 1,000 Gifts…

#727  My church.

#728  3,000 served love in a box in 2 weeks time.

#729  Worship that works on my heart.

#730  How I can know Him because He chooses to reveal Himself to me.

#731  He is too awesome for me to completely understand.

#732  How Grace is peeling back the layers of my heart.

#733  Encouraging words when I’m weary.

#734  Learning something about myself that should have been obvious.

#735  Starbucks and Target are one stop shopping.

#736  Seeing results of hard work.

#737  My daughter being ready for her Bible Drill competition.

#738   A ticket to see these girls.

#739  Laughing at the same things with my husband.