Last week I broke the What I Wore rule and only took two photos of my outfits the whole week. There really are no rules, but if I am going to keep motivated, I need to make sure I am taking daily(ish) photographs of What I Wore.  Part of the “problem” is that we are spending a lot of time at the pool.  So I go from sleep wear to pool wear.  Since you really don’t need to see either of those wardrobes, I am finding my photographs few and far between.  Ahh, but grace for summer right?

So one new purchase I made this spring was this vintage white t-shirt from Ann Talyor Loft: (Look it is my daughter again!)

I love the fact that as a basic, I can do so many different things with it.  Here are 4 ways I have worn it recently:

#1 White t-shirt over a white tank and paired with brown skirt (Loft).  {this was the only picture from this week}

#2 White t-shirt under orange cardigan (Loft).

#3 White t-shirt under a striped tank top. (last season from BJ’s) {loved this for fun}

#5 White t-shirt under jacket (Loft)

*Necklace is from Dayspring and I love it.  Can you tell?

The t-shirt above,  on sale at Loft.Com for 3/$35. Sweet!


I hope today you get to have coffee and cheesecake with your favorite person.  Or that you at least get to text her.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

linking up here today:

pleated poppy

{for more items of jewelry with a beautiful message you can click over to Dayspring below.  (*affiliate link)}