Hi. I’m Stacey. I blog here sometimes…

True story.


August is crazy. I mean who starts school and decides to self-publish a book the same time? That would be me. Perhaps I should have thought that one through.

But in the swirling amazing crazy life of four busy girls, a work heavy husband, school, ballet, and book writing I am…

Listening to this:

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Find them here.

Especially #5.

I finished reading this:

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Loved it. (*affiliate link)

I’m walking slowly through Psalms.

I’m learning that all my brokenness is covered by grace.

And God is good.




More news on my book, “Being OK with Where You Are” next week. I promise.


OH! This is so cool! And if you are a blogger, or want to be, my sweet friend Kat is hosting a Blogger Boot Camp NEXT week. Here is the info on her rocking planning kit and how to join. Just click the button below (*affiliate link):