
She left it on the bed when I was trying to grab a desperately needed Sunday nap. “Tea and cookies for you mommy. I’ll leave it here.” She bounced out of the room like the Tigger she is and I cracked my eyes open to see the sweetest offering for her weary mom.  And all of it is given from above so I remember to add it to the list—the fake cookies, magically full pink tea cup, and the sweet hands who lovingly prepared it.

He gives. I receive. Over and over this happens day after day. I keep counting, how can you stop really? If I stop doing dishes they pile up in my sink. But if I stop counting gifts I grow forgetful. And I don’t want to forget fake cookies. I want to see it for what it is. His grace moving in  my life on ordinary days with Sunday naps and in a minivan filled with kids eating peanut butter sandwiches on the way home from a field trip.


Gifts 2108-2128

2108.  Field trips

2109. Not getting lost

2110. Picnic lunches eaten in the van.

2111. Sandals in February

2112. One sweet bird singing all over town, and ears to hear it.

2113.  Heart to hearts with friends.

2114.  Sweet and Spicy Tea

2115.  “The Gospel changes everything”

2116.  Hope that can’t be washed away.

2117.  Auditions

2118. Jeremiah’s Italian Ice for the win!

2119.  Sweet BFF’s for my girls.

2120.  “Little House on the Prairie”

2121.  Truth the basis for our abounding love. (2 John)

2122.  Rainy Saturday Mornings.

2123.  Seeing God Big.

2124.  Fake cookies

2125.  Magical tea cups

2126.  My little Tigger

2127.  Ghiradelli Twilight Dark Chocolate – one square at a time.

2128. We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony.


