
(This post actually made its way into the book Is Jesus Worth It? chapter 2. Clearly, I needed to keep writing my way through it.)


Fear has been bossing me around lately. The truth is, I’ve willingly let it happen. I’ve crouched under covers and cried hot tears. I grew fear, instead of faith. In fact, I invited it into my house and served it coffee. I made friends with it.

But my fearless God is not having it.

“In fervent prayer, we discover something: Our God is fearless. And because He is fearless, we can be fearless too.” Priscilla Shirer, Fervent p 113

And here is the thing. I know better. I tell other women what and who fear really is. I write about overcoming it boldly.

“Romans 8:32 comes to mind and it says, “ If He did not spare His own Son, but handed Him over on our account, then don’t you think that He will graciously give us all things with Him?” (The Voice). Why would I ever need to worry or lack faith that he would go the ends of the world on my behalf? No, the Gospel reminds us that God gave it all to deliver us from the Enemy who is dead set on devouring our hearts. The Enemy has no true power over us. I don’t know about you, but when I call to mind this truth, it stirs up in me holy boldness. 

Dare I say boldness?

What is the alternative to boldness? We will crouch in fear. We will live devoured and destroyed.  When fear is on the warpath, I merely need to anchor my soul to the sacrifice of Jesus and plant myself firmly in the victory he has already won on my behalf.

We can’t fight losing battles anymore, sweet friends. They simply don’t exist. “

I let fear boss me around until I have become a shell of the girl God has called me to be. I have stumbled in the darkness and fog fear has left in its wake and started fighting battles already won by my bold savior Jesus.

This week, my friend Robin reminded me, “Stacey, you either believe God’s Word or you don’t.” In that moment I realized I was not living my belief. I was saying it. I was writing it. I just wasn’t living it.

And so, this is my wake up call. This is my battle cry to fear.

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear

but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

I cannot.

I will not.

Let fear have the last word.

My God is bigger than my biggest fear. And I’m going to live like I believe it.

I will fear(less). And I will pray.


I know two are better than one. And twelve would be even better. So, if you care to, let’s make this our joint battle cry. Let’s not allow fear to be the boss of us anymore. Leave a comment and I promise to pray for you. Maybe, you could pray for me too, and the woman who leaves a comment just before you.



*This book by Priscilla Shirer is rocking my world today. I’m so grateful. You can find it here. (affiliate link)

*Updated 04/14/18 *Another book I’m loving is Unseen by Sara Hagerty. Find it here. (affiliate link)