
Are you a teacher?

Maybe you are feeling a wide range of emotions as we start another school year. A year that is front loaded with big challenges we didn’t see coming a year ago. But, even so, here we are.

If you are like most teachers I know, you love teaching. You are crazy about your students. You have a passion to pour out, guide, and help start a spark of excitement for learning.

Maybe, too you are feeling a little or a lot of overwhelm with all the uncertainty.

You have been on my heart and I wanted to do something that might help. And what helps me is to pray. I asked my teacher friends what might be the best way to send you a few prayers and they said, “It would be GREAT if we could listen to the prayers.”

And so, I have created a simple podcast with a selection of my favorite prayers from Threadbare Prayers.

You will receive one prayer for the next 6 weeks by signing up below.

I hope this encourages your heart.

I hope you know you are so loved.

Looking Forward,


P.S. Click here to sign up!