by Stacey Thacker | Jun 19, 2011 | Encourage, Multitude Monday, Thankful |
For when you are broken to pieces… Here we are again. I’m broken to pieces. In this one area you have elected to take your pruning sheers and cut back to the deep. Over and over again I have laid it down. It is yours Lord. You know best. Some days, I am weak...
by Stacey Thacker | Jun 12, 2011 | Multitude Monday, Thankful |
…but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing. Psalm 34:10 Counting 1,000 Gifts…. #836 Beautiful beach day with friends. (7 girls, count them) #837 A summer babysitter for 3 hours each week. #838 Reading Pride and Prejudice for the first...
by Stacey Thacker | Jun 6, 2011 | Multitude Monday, Thankful |
I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3 #826 He gives hidden treasures. #827 My crazy baby who loves her daddy. #828 The applause of many for...
by Stacey Thacker | Jun 2, 2011 | Connect, Encourage, Thankful |
Can I chat with you for a minute? When was the last time you really worshipped? Have you had any “Come and see moments” with your kids lately? Do you believe that gratitude changes everything? Would you like to be part of a movement that seeks to inspire...
by Stacey Thacker | May 30, 2011 | Multitude Monday, Thankful |
How do you let grace sing in your heart? {Colossians 3:16} You give thanks for the simple, the sweet, and the things that make your life uniquely yours… #813 My children leading worship. #814 The LAST day of school. #815 My dad’s 65th birthday. #816 ...
by Stacey Thacker | May 23, 2011 | Multitude Monday, Thankful |
Counting 1,000 Gifts…. {What $8.00 worth of grocery store flowers can do.} #807 Teach a 5 year old the importance of honoring others. #808 Say, “I’m proud of you.” #809 Cause a ballerina to smile. #810 Bring beautiful home. #811 Spread...
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