For when you are broken to pieces...

Here we are again.
I’m broken to pieces.
In this one area you have elected to take your pruning sheers and cut back to the deep.  Over and over again I have laid it down. It is yours Lord.  You know best.

Some days, I am weak and You are strong.
Some days I am just weak.

I don’t know why this one thing is so hard. Why it hurts so bad.  Why the longing is more than I can bear. So, here is my plea.  “Take it. If it is not to be, and perhaps it never will, then please take away the desire.  Make me indifferent.  Fill that space of want, only with YOU and what YOU want for me.”  That’s it, that is all I have.

The lies are subtle.  I am quick to believe them more than not.  I have so many promises stored up in my heart, but in this one area,I am defenseless.

No good.

So not true.  I know, I know, I know.  But I feel it to the very center of who I am.

But then…you say, “Peace be still.”

You see.
You move.
You give way to hope.
When it was all gone.

You say, “For you, I did this.”
And the tears flow, and I am speechless.
I look around and wonder if anyone saw that “God moment” just happen?

No. It was for me. Between Him and me.
And a song of praise that I don’t yet have the words to rises up. And I sing it to the One who wrote it on my heart in the first place.
All for Him.

Counting 1,000 Gifts….

#851  My Father who knows me and my particular heart.

#852  How He works in ways I could never begin to comprehend.

#853  Hope renewed.

#854  My earthly daddy who is Cancer free!

#855  The strange gift that Cancer has brought our family.

#856  For my husband and the father he is to his girls.

#857  Bumping into a friend.

#858  Surprises abound when you ask, and look. {thanks Linda for the challenge!}

#859  Uncle Sam sending our money back, and then some.

#860  Moments He comes near, and I am not the same.