Can I chat with you for a minute?

When was the last time you really worshipped?

Have you had any “Come and see moments” with your kids lately?

Do you believe that gratitude changes everything?

Would you like to be part of a movement that seeks to inspire global applause for the Creator?

It won’t cost you anything, but a few moments at sunset on Saturday June 25, 2011.

Now watch this:

Go here to find out more information:  Join The Applause

Will you help ignite the applause by tweeting this on Friday:

Will you add your voice? @JointheApplause #ff

My husband is helping promote this amazing project. We will be on the beach with our girls at sunset on the 25th.   He will have his big fancy camera, I’ll have my iPhone. I’ll grab the girls and say, “Come and see!” We will Join The Applause.

Will you?