Chair Time

When I was a little girl, I attended Vacation Bible School each summer in a non-airconditioned church that had the most beautiful stained glass windows I have ever seen. I sat underneath the colored light streaming in from the morning sun and said this pledge:I pledge...

Chair Time

I have been thinking a lot about stories. Specifically, the story my children will tell about me when they are older. The story they will tell their children. This is my legacy. I am reading a book called The Story Factor by Annette Simmons. She says, “Other...

Chair Time

The truth is I am a fairly optimistic person. Lately though, I have been tired. You know the feeling. You are so tired you actually hurt. Yesterday was a day. Let’s just say that I had my limit. My 10 year old dissolved into tears over a timed math test and my 7...

Chair Time

Ephesians 1:18,19I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe..I have...

Chair Time

Do you ever feel like you are just surviving your life? I do, and if I’m keeping it real, that is truly how I have been living lately. I find myself reacting to life instead of being Spirit filled and purposeful. So last week I was reading one of my favorite...

Chair Time

“Abundance is at the very heart of who I am”…. from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young I love that Jesus walked with a band of totally real, normal people like me. He did not surround himself with religious leaders. I appreciate His patience with their...