“Abundance is at the very heart of who I am”…. from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

I love that Jesus walked with a band of totally real, normal people like me. He did not surround himself with religious leaders. I appreciate His patience with their slowness to learn. It gives me great hope. I also like that He involved them in His teaching and even more important in His miracles. They did not just see them,they lived them. See, I learn mainly by doing. Ask my very sweet husband about teaching me how to use Photoshop. I have to feel and experience it to understand.

Today I read from John 6:1-14. As usual, multitudes of people where following Jesus. He called to Philip and said, “Where are we to buy bread that these may eat?” Now I know, Jesus had a plan all along. He was inviting Philip to be part of the work He was about to do. I love his answer, “That would cost a lot of money” (paraphrase mine). Andrew must have been a few steps ahead of Philip. He offered five barley loaves a couple of fish to Christ from some child whose blessed mother had sent him with a lunch that day. I can just see her running after him out the door, “Honey! Don’t forget your lunch!” Little did she know she would be part of a plan to feed thousands! Can you imagine the dinner conversation in that house?

I love this part of the story. Jesus took the loaves and the fish. Thanked His Father and distributed the food to the people. They were filled. And then so wisely He asked the disciples to gather the left overs. Twelve baskets full. One for each of the disciples to hold, see, smell, and touch. Brilliant teaching from the Master.

So I ask myself, how often do I live on the 5 barley loaves of my own effort? When do I settle for what I can come up with in my own strength? If I take and lay it at the feet of Jesus He would bless it and delight in giving me from His abundance. I am not talking about money here. But my own self effort of teaching, mothering, and loving others. What I have to offer in my own power is no comparison. My bread may cure the munchies, but will it give life and point others to Christ?

“…and the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Thy house; They drink their fill of the abundance of Thy house..”
Psalm 36: 7-8

I thank you that you have a plan. That you are blessedly patient with my slowness to learn. And that you delight in pouring forth your abundance upon every area of my life that I give to you.

Looking forward,

P.S. When have you given Jesus your 5 loaves and few small fish and seen Him do a work only He could do? What was the result? Who else got to take part in the miracle?