by Stacey Thacker | Jun 7, 2017 | Books, Connect, Encourage, Fresh Out of Amazing, Hebrews, Hope for the Weary Mom, Is Jesus Worth It?, Write It, writeitgirl, Writer.Girl, Writing |
I heard an author say once, “It is about a two year process from start to finish with each book.” First you write and edit it. This process usually happens in the first year months before anyone even knows the book exists, you are hammering away on your...
by Stacey Thacker | May 27, 2017 | Connect, Encourage |
Are you the kind of girl who reads the last page of a good novel first? Do you sneak dessert when the kids aren’t looking? Do you pick up conversations where you left off days ago with your best friend without saying, “Hi, how are you doing?”...
by Stacey Thacker | May 21, 2017 | Connect, Encourage, endurance, Hebrews, Is Jesus Worth It? |
I read an article recently that reminded me that sometimes we are way past tired. The world calls it exhausted, but I would say I’m weary. Worn thin. You can see it if you happen to bump into me. I keep thinking if I just sit by the pool a little bit, or get...
by Stacey Thacker | May 4, 2017 | Coffee, Connect, Encourage, Fresh Out of Amazing, Guest Post
I am honored to be a guest writer at We Are That Family this week. I met Kristen years ago through blogging and have followed her journey with Mercy House Global from the beginning. I love her heart and the work God is doing through her. Love for you to join me there...
by Stacey Thacker | May 2, 2017 | Encourage, Fresh Out of Amazing, grief, Grow |
More than one friend encouraged me during our darkest hours in the ICU, to sing over Mike. Having poured out my heart in worship the night of his cardiac arrest, as God would plan it, I really didn’t have anything left. I mouthed the words to “Holy Spirit” in his room...
by Stacey Thacker | Feb 23, 2017 | Connect, Encourage, Grow, SheReadsTruth |
***A few hours after I wrote this blogpost on February 23, 2017, my husband suffered a primary cardiac arrest. He spent 11 days in the the ICU, 30 days in the hospital, and weeks in rehab. Gratefully, he is healing slowly. We stand in awe of God’s rich mercy....
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