Once upon a time there was a girl named Sarah Mae who had an idea and wrote an eBook called *31 Days to Clean – Having a Martha House the Mary Way.  She hired a real live graphic designer, wrote it in a week, and leveraged the power of social media to market her virtual book.  Sarah Mae dreamed it would sell about 500 copies and priced it so every woman could afford it, at $4.99.  Little did she know, that some 6 weeks later it would be one of Amazon’s top eBooks and sell over 11,000 copies.  So what did she decide to do next?  She wrote another eBook documenting her journey so that you can follow in her footsteps and do the exact same thing. Don’t you just love a girl who shares?


I was able to read  *How to Market and Sell Your eBook – Everything You Need to Know to Make Money with ePublishing last week and I have to say, I was inspired.  Sarah Mae is the girl behind 2 successful blogs called Like a Warm Cup of Coffee and Raising Homemakers.  She also is the co-founder of The Relevant Blogging Conference.  More importantly, Sarah Mae is just like me. She loves her motorcycle riding husband, teachers her babies and drinks a ton of coffee.  Well, she is younger and taller, but essentially she is just like me. After reading her Ebook, I am convinced that I, too, can successfully write and market my own Ebook.  She has given me the tools and the courage to start it yesterday {more on that later}.

In this book she covers:

  • Her own story
  • The nuts and bolts of how to write and publish the book
  • What is Spreadable Content
  • Branding, Community, Social Media, Image, and more
  • Answers all the questions you want to ask but have no idea who to ask

I love this from the opening chapter:

It’s time to redefine the way we think about eBooks.

We have this notion that an eBook can’t really be as great or as successful or as prestigious as a traditionally published print book. And I get that, I’ve been part of the mainstream thinking…but it’s time to change all our thinking. Why can’t an eBook be just as great or successful as a print book? In fact, this year the New York Times announced that it would begin eBook bestseller lists – this is huge for the independent publisher! Do you realize what this means? You have the opportunity to “make it big” without a traditional publisher. You can be a NYT’s bestselling author, and bring in a full-time income as a writer. (p.15)

If you have the same dream, buy this book now. Read it while drinking your morning coffee, and you will be writing your Ebook by dinner.


How about for fun we give away a copy of *How to Market and Sell Your eBook – Everything You Need to Know to Make Money with ePublishing right here, right now!  Leave a comment and tell me about the eBook you would love to write! Also, if you are a social media girl, give a tweet or post to Facebook and you can leave an extra comment for doing so!  Contest is open through Sunday and I’ll announce the winner next week!

For more information, you can visit her How to Market and Sell Your eBook website by clicking here.

For more on Sarah Mae, click here.

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