What I Wore

Did Wednesday sneak up on you too? Oh MY Word. I was shocked to see it this week. Now if only Saturday would hurry up! Here is what I wore this week! Left: Top (Old Navy), Bottoms (Old Navy) I’m a little bit in shock that I’m showing you this....

Test post and Sneak Peeks

The moment when you hit “publish”  accidentally on a post and you don’t realize it for 5 minutes and it pushes out to your Twitter feed. . . So you put THAT post back in draft where it belongs, and think, “Oh, only a few people probably...

The Joy Dare

The Joy Dare The Joy Dare is a hunt for 1,000 gifts in 2012. The whole earth is full of His glory, want to join me in finding bits and pieces to tuck in your heart? You can read more about it from the lovely Ann Voskamp right here. 28. Encouraging a hurting sister....