I have been on some sort of Design Girl Wannabe journey for about a year now. You see, in the past 7 years we have lived in 3 houses and during that time added 2 children and we have one on the way! I think all these things have contributed to the lack of decor and design in my home.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I have been truly inspired by some awesome design blogs and the ability of these women to be creative on a budget. I have also realized that I have a deep need to be creative and reflect that creativity in my home. My children have played a part as well. Last January, we were taking down our Christmas decorations and my oldest said, “Mommy, why do we only decorate for Christmas? The house looks so sad the rest of the year.” This eye opening conversation helped me to see that it is their home too.

Now, I’m not too much of a theme decor girl, but I do have a beautiful antique library table that sits near my entrance. I decided to decorate it according to the seasons. It is simple, easy and inexpensive to focus on such a small space. My best find was the clear glass jar that sits in the center. I picked it up at Goodwill for about $1.99. This summer I filled it with seashells from our favorite beach. Currently, I have a Back to School thing going on. I really love the new little slate chalkboard and bright red apples. My goal is to reflect the season without being too over the top.

I also now keep a list of projects, paint jobs, and items I am always on the lookout for at Goodwill, TJ Max or clearance sales. My next project is drop cloth curtains in my kitchen! Go to “The Lettered Cottage” on my favorite blog list, and search for ‘Drop Cloth Curtains’. They are so cool, especially for those of us who are sewing challenged!

Looking forward,