Do you read to your children? Do they love books? Edith Schaeffer said:

“If children haven’t been read to, they don’t love books. They need to love books, for books are the basis of literature, composition, history, world events, vocabulary, and everything else.”

I want my kids to love books and to be good writers. Writing experts encourage reading aloud to your kids at least 2 hours every day. Is it just me, or does that seem impossible to achieve? I love to read to my girls and our current book, The Railway Children by E. Nesbit is a great adventure. Still, I struggle to take 2 hours every day to read to them.

Another way to engage them in listening to the written word is through audio books. We have used them from time to time, but I am thinking about using them more regularly. When I mentioned this idea to my super techie husband, he said, “That’s what I-Tunes is for!” So today I checked it out and I found some great resources. My favorite is by Kara Shallenberg. She uploads 1 chapter each week onto I-Tunes. Currently, she is sharing The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann R Wyss. And the best part is that it is free! Isn’t that awesome? You can also visit her website: for other great books! And I thought I-Tunes was just for music and movies!

“Countless studies over the past several decades have confirmed over and over again the undeniable impact of reading aloud on a child. Apparently, God has designed the minds of children to grow when watered with words from good books, His words being the best. It is impossible to overstate the influence you can have on your children simply by reading aloud to them regularly. It stands alone as an educational tool that is nearly universal in its effectiveness. Beyond that though, there s also a bonding that takes place when a family shares the experience of reading aloud. It is a unifying experience. Some are apt to be suspicious that such an uncomplicated means can produce such complex ends, but sometimes God uses the simple to confound the wise. Reading aloud is just that.” Sally Clarkson, Educationg the Wholehearted Child.

Now, if only math were that simple!
Looking forward,

P.S. This is not meant to stress you out and add one more thing to your already very full life! I have days when I want to toss everything out the window…like today! But sometimes you just have to stop, grab a good book and read to your kids. It truly does simplify all the chaos!