I am honored to introduce you to my friend Beth Guckenberger. I first met Beth at Indiana University at a meeting with Campus Crusade for Christ. I was immediately struck by her passion for Christ and her maturity at such a young age. Recently, I read her first book called Reckless Faith: Let Go and Be Led. In it, Beth tells the amazing story of how she and her husband, Todd, embraced reckless faith and moved to Monterrey, Mexico. With limited Spanish and huge hearts for orphans Beth and Todd moved “without much guidance other than a vague sense of the rightness of the decision.” Beth was not sure she even wanted to write this book because she didn’t know if her written words could live up to their experiences, but I can assure you, she delivers a powerful narrative of what happens when you let everything go to follow God. I am thrilled that Beth is our first official Friday Five Woman!
1. Where are you from?
I was born in Indianapolis, then lived in Cincinnati (minus 4 years at Indiana University) until age 25, since then I have been in Monterrey, Mexico.
2.What are you looking forward to or dreaming about?
I was just asked this in a couples Bible study last week and I made such a long list, I embarrassed myself. I am writing some more books,I dream about falling into a better pace with that. I am doing and hope to do more speaking. We are opening a new ministry site internationally in a place that has a lot of human trafficking, so I am hoping to have an impact on that, especially as it pertains to orphans. I have been dreaming about owning a jeep lately:) I am dreaming about another adoption. I am dreaming about owning a restaurant, I actually have lots of dreams… I just heard a quote about how we should have more dreams than memories.
3. What is your favorite Bible verse or passage and why?
Psalms 139. It is such an intimate passage between my Storyweaver and me. I could read it all day, it makes me feel known and loved.
4. What book have you read other than the Bible that has impacted you the most?
Whatever I have read last makes an impression on me and I talk about it for a while. I have recently read Love and War (Eldredge- great marriage book) Why I stayed (Gayle Haggard- great story of redemptive love) and I am always reading books in my field of ministering to the underprivileged internationally, there are scores of smart books on that subject.
5. Who inspires you?
I have several people who inspire me. My mother is one of the healthiest women I know. She works on being in the Spirit all day and that is a great conviction of mine. Also a woman in Mexico named Martha, who believes that every day is a divine appointment.
Thanks Beth for inspiring us today! If you would like to get a copy of Beth’s awesome book, you can pick it up at Family Christian Store or click here. There is also a video clip at the website of Beth sharing a story from her book! Take 5 more minutes and watch it now. It will challenge you to live a life of Reckless Faith, too. You can find out more about the ministry Beth and Todd serve with @ back2backministries.

Looking Forward,
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