I loved reading the answers to the Friday Five with Beth! She is truly a woman of faith that inspires me! One of the things that she said that really made me think was that “You should have more dreams than memories.” I was so struck by that statement. I think I have more worries than memories, but dreams? Really? I am also reading Good To Great In God’s Eyes and Chip Ingram is stretching me to ask myself, “Do I have a God sized dream? Something only He can accomplish?”

So, as we ponder this and wait for our next Friday Five interview, I thought I’d ask you this question from The Five:

What are you looking forward to? Or in other words, what are you dreaming about?
Leave us a comment and if you have a link to a blog post that applies to this question, go ahead and put it in the comment!

Looking Forward,

P.S. Our next Friday Five woman is such a blessing! She is one of the wisest women I know. I can’t wait to hear who inspires her!