I’ve spent most of the days since Christmas wondering how to wrap up my Word for 2013 and praying about my Word for 2014.  I can’t say I feel closure on Become or a clear direction on what is going to frame my year ahead. I do know this one thing:

Part of becoming who God wants me to be is allowing Him to enter into my broken places and use them for His glory. Every single time I have opened my heart wide to this kind of work, He has made something beautiful out of it.

This is the story of Hope.

This is the story of Being OK with Where You Are.

I’m keeping this verse close to my heart today:

 For I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me….

Romans 15:18, ESV

For all He has done.

For all He will do.

I’ll keep writing and speaking and giving Him glory.

How can I do any less?

