
She followed me around the entire day. If underfoot had a definition this was surely it. Four years old and she would rather sit with, on, or beside me than anywhere else. I treasure this, but at times it can be a little much. In one of those moments I looked down and said, “What do you want?”

She looked up at me and simply said. “A hug.”

I melted and realized this moment is a gift.

It can’t be bought.

It can’t be duplicated or fabricated.

It is real.

It is true. This moment is the gift.

Today is pretty awesome.  Let’s count gifts together.

2022. Surprise days off of school.

2023. Friends you can tell anything to.

2024. Finding fresh supplies of Bengal Spice Tea.

2025. She invited me to lunch. I said yes.

2026. God’s no’s being mercy in disguise.

2027. He is our source.

2028. How leading worship just fills up my heart with straight up joy.

2029. He is not finished yet. Hallelujah!

2030. I can’t exhaust His compassion. Lam. 3:16-26

2031. His power is seen more clearly through my cracks of brokenness.

2032. Tomato soup and grilled cheese. Yum.

2033. A writer’s retreat on Saturday.

2034. Girls who do chores.

2035. Sweet girl who prays at every meal.

2036. When other people call out your kids and the Jesus they see in them.

2037. Dr. John and Lena Yeh – God is so faithful.  5 generations of Christians from China. (seriously watch this)

2039. Help for the high school years – have mercy!

2040. When she bakes cookies on Sunday.

2041. Jehovah Rapha.

2042. He has magnificently cleared the air, so I’m breathing deep.


“…The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.”

Romans 8:2, The Message



P.S. Why I came back to Gratitude on Mondays