Hope. Friends. Complement.001

[callout]“Friendship . . . is born at the moment when one man says to another, “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself.” —C.S. Lewis[/callout]

Another thing happened when I raised my little white flag from the messy depths of my heart. I found out that to my surprise, I was not the only mom who felt this way. Time and time again other moms have said, “What! You too?” As much as I wanted to run back into hiding when my friend stopped me at church, I realized that by saying it out loud, I may have sounded a trumpet call for other moms who felt the same way to join me in the journey from weariness to hope. Was it possible that in telling my story, other moms might see themselves too?

My fear has always been tied to the illusion that other moms have it all together and I don’t. I have hidden for years because I was afraid that they would not understand my broken places. As it turns out, I was hiding from women who felt just like me. They were not judging me. They were simply busy hiding in their messy kitchens, probably thinking I was judging them, too. Truthfully, what we really needed was an invitation to be drawn into one another’s stories and the chance to say, “We are more alike than we know. I know your story. I’m living it too.”

***Today, my friends at (in)courage are featuring Hope for the Weary Mom: Let God Meet You in the Mess as a recommend read. I would love for you to join me there! When you do, say hi and share the post with your friends! Thank you so much! Click here to head on over! 

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