
What I’m loving right now links will live right here for you to find easily! I will add to the top of the list each time I send out an email. These links may or may not be affiliate links. This means, when you click through and purchase something, my family receives a small compensation at no extra cost to you.  You all are LOVING these links! Guess what? I do too!

Thank you for your support! (Newest links at the top of the list!)

  1. This Song by Josh Baldwin
  2. A gorgeous new “coffee table” book
  3. Erasable pens (what?)
  4. Square Hair Clips
  5. Wet and Wild Primer Serum
  6. A Matter of Honor by Laura Frantz
  7. This message by Priscilla Shirer will preach all day long.
  8. These Jr. ice cream sandwiches. Only 110 calories.
  9. I use these markers every.single.day. 
  10. This podcast with David Thomas, Sissy Goff, and Joy Williams
  11. This song by Anna Golden
  12. My New Balance Sneakers
  13. This Bible study on Prayer (coming to First Orlando Women this summer!)
  14. This book about avoiding burnout.
  15. Cheese. Pasta. And bread. Thank you Stanley Tucci. (*Mild Language but mostly great food and scenery.)
  16. A simple cross necklace. 
  17. My new summer journal in pink! (My Winter Journal was the same type but navy blue.)
  18. Revisiting the message of this book. 


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