by Stacey Thacker | Jul 25, 2017 | Books, Connect, Ebooks, Encourage, Fresh Out of Amazing
Do you need a perfect end of summer book to read? Might I make a suggestion? Fresh Out of Amazing is my own come out hiding story. Maybe it is your story too. Do you feel like you are responsible for all the things? Has your dream died? Does it look like every other...
by Stacey Thacker | Jun 7, 2017 | Books, Connect, Encourage, Fresh Out of Amazing, Hebrews, Hope for the Weary Mom, Is Jesus Worth It?, Write It, writeitgirl, Writer.Girl, Writing |
I heard an author say once, “It is about a two year process from start to finish with each book.” First you write and edit it. This process usually happens in the first year months before anyone even knows the book exists, you are hammering away on your...
by Stacey Thacker | Feb 13, 2017 | (in)courage, Books, Encourage |
“Sometimes fear shows up like an uninvited house guest on our doorstep with a cute little suitcase packed full of lies. Before long, without planning, we are chatting over cups of hot coffee, swapping stories, letting fear feel quite at home. Fear understands...
by Stacey Thacker | Nov 18, 2016 | Books, Encourage, Is Jesus Worth It?, The Girlfriend's Guide to the Bible |
I’ve thought long and hard about when and how to tell you “What is next” and today I feel compelled just to say it so we all know. I need you to know because quite frankly I’m feeling the weight of it already. I need you to know where this...
by Stacey Thacker | Nov 15, 2016 | Books, Connect, Ebooks, Fresh Out of Amazing, Hope for the Weary Mom
Remember yesterday when I told you about the book club you could sign up for and then forget about? Well, that was before I knew about this awesome ebook sale! I had to let you know! Starting today, you can get Fresh Out of Amazing for your Kindle reader (I use the...
by Stacey Thacker | Oct 27, 2016 | Books, Connect, Encourage, Weekly Wrap Up
“I nourish my life with good intentions and expect it to thrive when only Jesus can quench my soul-deep thirst.” *Open Your Bible I could use a little (make that a lot) of quenching of my soul-deep thirst. I’m feeling every bit poured out this week....
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