I recorded a podcast the day Hope for the Weary Mom came out with Brooke and our good friend Kat. At the end of the podcast, Kat asked a question:

What is one thing a mom could do right now to fight weariness and find hope?

My answer (in a nutshell was this): “Spend time every day in the Bible. This by far is the most important thing I do to fight weariness. You know, we really want you to read “Hope” but more than that we want you to read your Bible.”

And I meant it. The book I want you to read more than mine is the Bible. It is the one book you can count on the author showing up every time you read it. Ours can’t do that for you. Which as Brooke said, might be a little weird.

God’s Word is living. It is active. It will stir up your hope like nothing else.


[callout]”It has taken me forty years and four babies to finally get to the place of removing the veil of “fine”. It has not been fun. In particular, the last four years have not been easy. But they have been necessary. See, I’ve been learning that I am not the good mom I always wanted to be. I don’t have it all together. I am instead, a dependent mom who is learning to live honestly where she is. I am a veil-torn mom who sees that in order to come face to face with grace, I had to be brought low and to the end of myself. I am a weary mom who is reaching out for hope and holding on with both hands. I close my eyes and finally ask for help. “Jesus, come today. Come here today. In my mess. To my kitchen, but first to my heart. I am in need of your grace. “It’s funny how, as soon as I call for Hope, he comes running and brings his Word to wrap around my heart.” from Hope for the Weary Mom, Chapter 3[/callout]

I know God’s Word wrapped around your heart is the answer to weariness because honestly it has been the answer to mine. Don’t get me wrong, I really do want you to read, Hope for the Weary Mom.  I think you will find we have packed it with truth from God’s Word. I dearly love our little book for moms in hard, messy places.

My prayer is it makes you want to grab your Bible and discover abundant hope that will revive your heart. Because that is just what Jesus has done for this veil-torn, fresh out of amazing mama. I know he will do it for you as well.

Hebrews 4:12 | Psalm 19:7 | Romans 15:4

