Have you ever read words that inspire you to do something? That move you to tears, hug your children more or just slow down and be refreshed? I have been making it a daily assignment to read such words penned by Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience. Her words truly speak to my heart! Today she is writing for (In) Courage on When You’ve Been Framed: Life as Art.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from Ann:

Where two or three are gathered, there He is also. What I love most about the homeschooling lifestyle is that we are all together, in all our glorious mess, day in and day out. We are not time-torn or fragmented. We are gathered. There is no dichotomy between God and secular: we are making a one-piece life. We are real, transparent, and growing –sometimes painfully– with each other, season upon season, and God is in the center, bathing us sin-scraped ones with His Grace. That’s rich.

I live in a glorious mess, day in and day out. Although, I tend to see the mess more than the glorious. But, I’m trying to see more. What a beautiful picture put so eloquently into words!

Looking forward,