Looking back over this past year, I can honestly say the way I made it through was only by His grace.  So many times, I felt inadequate to the calling God has placed on my life.  Each day, I realized that I needed Him every hour. I found myself truly depending on Him for every thing.  And that is right where He wanted me.

Let me back track a bit.  This past October, we were blessed with our fourth child.

Alison Sophia

And pretty much, she has been great!  She loves her sisters and most of the time she is happy.  The only problem has been, she has not been the best sleeper.  Which has resulted in me being 9 months tired.  Add to that a hard working husband and 3 other girls and you find me not thriving.  But factor in being a home school mom as well and you pretty much can guess why I wrote this.

So, if you ask me to look back and evaluate how my year went – academically or otherwise I have to tell you that it was not a year where we made great strides.  We did not finish most of our books.  My girls left a few things undone.   And I did not wrap our year up with a nice big bow like I usually do.  Instead, we dialed way back, we did only what was absolutely necessary, and we tried not to fret about all that we could be doing.

Instead we focused on new beginnings, how a family really does stretch and grow when a new baby arrives and to give mommy lots of space until she has had her 3rd cup of coffee.  We learned some real life lessons.  And the truth is, that is what they will remember.  Not 4th grade math or which language program they did.  My prayer is, that they will know that even when life is challenging, His grace will get you through.

What about you?  How was your year?  What got you through?  Today I am linking up with the Homeschool Village.  Click the button below to find out more!