Last night my seven year old came into my room long after she was supposed to be in bed.  “Mommy, ” she said with tear stained cheeks,” I don’t know how to pray?  I try to pray, and to listen to God, but I can’t hear Him.  And I keep doing bad things like lying.  I don’t know what to do.”

I was sitting in bed reading when she came in, so I put down my book and pulled back the covers. I  invited her to spend some time with me snuggling and talking about these things. These were the most precious moments of my day.

We talked about John 3:16, assuring her of His place in her heart.  We discussed His great big love for her, and how even mommies do things we aren’t proud of.  She asked more questions, and I told her that God had a special plan for her life.  Then we dreamed about what that might be and I made a promise to her to teach her how to spend time with Jesus.   She dried her eyes, hugged my neck and returned to her stuffed animal filled bed.

Ironically, I have been thinking about being more purposeful for awhile now.  And then last night, (insert smile) through this time with my heartbroken daughter,  the Lord burned it on my heart a little more clearly.  See, I spend a lot of time with my girls.  I am a firm believer in quantity of time, not just quality time.  Most of my training happens as we go about our day.    But I have noticed that each time I spend with them in focused purposeful training always yields great rewards. Some things my girls will catch by observation – but other things I have to be purposeful in teaching them.

Jesus did this.  He called the 12 to follow Him.  He did life with them.  He ate, slept, healed and ministered with them by His side 24/7 for about 3 years.  But, if we look at the Gospel accounts of His life, we also see Him teaching them on purpose as well.  He taught them to pray (good for me to know that even the disciples needed some clarification on this one), He taught them to feed the people, and He taught them to be fishers of men.  This is true discipleship.  And this is my goal.

So for as long as she needs it, I will be showing my daughter exactly how to have a quiet time. We are going to read a devotion, look up verses, and pray together. My prayer is that she begins to form the habit she will need to feed her soul the rest of her life.

**This post is from a few weeks ago, but I felt like it was perfect for this MODsquad question of the day.  The following giveaway is now closed, but the resources are still available through Tommy Nelson.

Have you met Abby from Tommy Nelson?  She is the sweetest and has sent me a couple of  special books to share with my Abby during her quiet time.  The quickest way to a mommy’s heart is to love on her children!  So guess what?  She wants to love you your kids as well and give you a chance to win a copy of these precious books, too:

Aren’t they adorable? And filled with God’s Word for your little Princess!

(P.S. If you have boys, they have great books for you as well!)

Take a minute to check out Tommy Nelson’s great resources, and leave a comment below telling me how you are being purposeful in your parenting.  I will pick one winner for each book through
