Photo Credit Pottery Barn

I was reminded the other day how my family is something like a quilt.  It is comfortable, familiar, and a bit worn around the edges.  Each of us make up a part of it, and our lives are pieced together by the moments that define us. Birthdays, cookouts, and celebrations are the parts of the quilt that bring smiles to our faces and warmth to our hearts.  Hard times of saying goodbye, living far apart, and losing a loved one also bring us together in a different way. They make us stronger.   We know we are part of a bigger story.  One that has been written for many years and will go on for many more;  as long as babies with bare feet are being passed from lap to lap.

And I sit back, and wrap myself up in it. I smile through tears knowing it is just as it should be.  We say  hello and goodbye at the same time.   And we gather around the table to share cobbler made with fresh picked Indiana blackberries.  We enjoy that which sets us apart from others we know and say, “He would have loved this.”  We laugh and remember the good times, and look forward to the legacy that goes on before us.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats