Have you ever noticed that when God calls you to do something, very often you can look back and see how He has been preparing your whole life for that one thing?  This has certainly been the case for me.  Today, I am sharing about a work He began in me many years ago.

There has not  been one single thing that led me to homeschooling. God, truly has had me on a life- long journey. I guess, He knew it would take me that long to prepare my heart for this role.   Looking back I can see snapshots of life that He used to lead me where I am today.  Here are just a couple and what I learned along the way:

Snapshot 1: I am five years old waiting for the neighborhood girls to come home so we can “play school” in their garage.  They had one pupil, me.  And I was an eager student.  One day, I ran home with my math paper to show my mom my work, and she said, “Did Karol Sue do this for you?”  “No mommy, I did it.  She taught me how.”

Snapshot 2: In college I was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ and I met a family who had a sweet little boy named Daniel.  I asked Daniel, age 6, “Where do you go to school?” And he pointed to the desk in the corner of their dining room, “I go to school right there.”  Over the course of the next few years, I watched this family homeschool and was amazed at the strong family bond they shared and the character of their children.

Snapshot 3: As mom of a preschooler, I had the chance to hear author Glenn Shultz  (A Kingdom Education) speak at our church.  He shared passionately about education.  He said, “As a parent you are responsible for the education of your children.  If you choose to put them in a more traditional school situation, you are turning over the ‘teaching’ of your children for that time during the day, but you are still responsible for them.”

Last month I started my 6th year of home school. I  now juggle  a 5th grader, 2nd grader, preschooler and 10 month old.  Life is full. I am completely poured out most days. But, I am grateful to have the opportunity to be their teacher.  The truth is, most days I learn more than they do.  And that has been the biggest surprise so far.  I wonder if I teach enough, train enough, or have enough fun with them.  But a wise friend told me, “You do your best with what you have.  And God will fill in the gaps.  When you are finished they will not lack anything.”  That gives me great hope for the future as the journey really has only just begun!

What about you?  Is there something God has called you to that you can see He has been preparing you for your whole life?  I am so grateful you stopped by today!