One Word to inspire.

One Word to frame your year.

One Word to move you forward in your relationship with The Lord.

One Word to focus on for 2011.

Do you have One Word?

I’m sure you can guess mine.

I wasn’t planning on writing this post.  But sometimes,  a post writes you.

Let me explain.

For the past 3 years, each of my One Words have come from One Verse:

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16

I didn’t plan this.  But slowly, over the years this has become my life verse.  No other verse describes my heart’s passion for God’s Word and the strengths He has given me. The truth is, when I prayed for God to show me my word for 2008,2009, and 2010, it was as though He took a big flashlight and spotlighted: Word, Dwell, and Thankfulness.

So this year, the Lord spotlighted Grace as my One Word.  Though I was excited about this journey,  I was sad that my One Word would not be part of my life verse.

Last week, I was looking for verses to memorize with my One Word, in it.  As I was scrolling through the references I noticed the list included Colossians 3:16.  Now, please know that I have studied this verse closely for the past 3 years.  I have never seen the word Grace.  But look what I found at Blue Letter Bible:

In the KJV, the verse reads “singing with GRACE in your hearts to the Lord.” I seriously about fell out of my chair. Not only is my One Word in my Life Verse, but it is the same One Word I had last year.  In the original Greek, the word is charis. The KJV translates this as Grace.  Other versions (like NASB) translates this word as Thankfulness.

My heart was flooded with emotion. God is so good to me.  His Word is living and active.  I learned that even when you think you know it, He still has so much more to teach you.

Don’t even get me started on how thankfulness leads to grace.  We will have to save that for another post!

So tell me, what is your One Word?