Flickr Photo by Naan

I’m learning that gratitude is …

the way the heart freezes a moment,

holds it in a frame,

paints life in the most beautiful colors,

and lives big and bold and now.

Counting 1,000 Gifts….

#622 Girl all curled up reading about rocks for hours.

#623 Seeing eyes light up with excitement at wisdom that has taken root.

#624 Letting them learn on their own and letting go of ‘should’.

#625 Jumping up and down rejoicing at the beginning of new life.

#626 Gathering with friends and outnumbered by children as we share pizza and stories.

#627 Baby girl who walks wobbly while talking to herself.

#628 African children who sing, “He has not forgotten me, He knows my name” and remind me this is Truth.

#629 Singing for the One who covers me with grace.