The winner is Natalie from Mommy on Fire!

I have a great story about Natalie, who I met last October at Relevant.  We were chatting up a storm one night and it came up during the conversation that she was from Indiana. Then, the mad love for her started because she graduated from my alma mater Indiana University! Hello girlfriend! We bonded {of course} and now every time I see her sweet smile show up in my Twitter feed or here at 29lincolnavenue, it makes me feel like I’m at the Student Union hanging out at Sugar and Spice for coffee and cookies!  Ahh, good times.

To get to know Natalie, you can go to her blog, Mommy On Fire (how cool is that name?) Be sure to check out F2F on Fridays.  She is  vlogging each week! Fun to see and hear her!  Congratulations Natalie my IU sister!