She has been planning this play date for weeks. It is no wonder she is up before the sun talking fast and packing her bags.  How she will wait the last few hours until it starts, I’m not sure.  Her giddiness is contagious.

She is the 2nd of four girls and selectively social. Some call that shy.  If she likes you, she really likes you.  In her short 8 years she has had a couple of besties.  Both of them had to move.   So I have been praying for God to send a new friend.  One that will stay and grow in Christ with her.  He, has faithfully and quickly answered my prayer. I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

Today, they will unpack her 2 overstuffed bags, play with stuffed animals, Legos, and trade their marbles. They’ll drink Koolaid, eat cookies, and their hearts will promise to be true forever. She will come home more excited then when she left, and begging for the next play date.

Lessons are everywhere, and as their mom I have the chance to learn daily.  As I watch this friendship dance unfold I tuck this truth in my heart:

Friendships take time, planning, and a willingness to unpack your heart with the hope it will be received and cherished.  Oh, and sharing a snack only makes it sweeter.