Have you noticed that everywhere you look you are seeing the challenge to simplify? The truth is, a little peer pressure can be a good thing.   Like….

Tsh started this:

Who inspired Emily to lose stuff, gain perspective and dream…

a place for your soul to breathe

Amy is doing it too, and taking baby steps….

So, what am I doing? I am joining in on the 40 day challenge to remove 40 bags of stuff from my home during the 40 days of Lent.  I love the idea of purging, clearing, cleaning, and making my home ready.  I think this exercise is great for my girls too. It is a visual expression of how we can prepare our hearts for Easter.

I have given myself the freedom to tackle 40 Bags in 40 Days in my own way. I chose small bags, and did not want to limit myself to  one  bag per day.  For example, on day 4 I hauled out 8 bags of clothing and 2 bags of trash.   Some days I can’t tackle even one bag.   Our life is crazy, and the point of this challenge or any other is to move forward and simplify.  I love making it work for me and my family. Another thing I have learned is that pruning, cleaning, and purging is not a one time only event.  It must be a daily ritual.

Other lovelies, who always inspire me, also focusing on simplifying are Terilynne and the Nester.

So what about you?  Are you challenged to simplify  this season or spring clean?  Who has inspired you lately in this area?