Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

She runs for her life, and for the lives of those  she loves.  Running past the outer courts she throws open the large ornate doors with all her might. The inner court is scattered with a few select nobles.  She does not see them.  Her eyes are downcast, and her heart is set on the one who is seated on the throne. Her presence there – is surprising to most.  Who told her she could approach with such determination?  Does he know she is there? Confidently she makes her way and stays her course.  This is her destiny.  She will die either way – unless he shows mercy.  But will he?   When her eyes meet his, her king, will she see grace sitting on the throne?


As I studied and reflected upon Hebrews 4:16, this scene from the movie One Night With the King, came  into my mind. The movie, which I highly recommend, is about the life of Esther, an orphan Jewish girl who becomes queen of Persia.

This is how we are to approach our king, too.

We run to Him.

Our hearts are set on Him.

We approach with staggering confidence.

We claim His promise.

Our eyes meet His, and we see that grace is indeed sitting on the throne.

I love what Charles Spurgeon said:

Grace came down to earth in the form of the Well-beloved, and it met with sin. Long and sharp was the struggle, and grace appeared to be trampled under foot of sin; but grace at last seized sin, threw it on its own shoulders, and, though all but crushed beneath the burden, grace carried sin up to the cross and nailed it there, slew it there, put it to death for ever, and triumphed gloriously. For this cause at this hour grace sits on a throne, because it has conquered human sin, has borne the penalty of human guilt, and overthrown all its enemies. (emphasis mine).

You know what I think? I think Esther’s eyes were really fixed on a throne of grace – far beyond the throne of her husband, the King of Persia.  I think she was running to her Savior God, who she knew would rescue His people. She was claiming  His countless promises.  She was counting on grace.

So, when was the last time you ran to the throne of grace with fearless confidence in the One who sits there? Do you need to take Grace by the hand and not let go?  When was the last time, you took Hebrews 4:16 to heart?

*If you are a visual person like me, here is a link to a You Tube video that includes this scene from One Night With The King.  (it comes at about 2:24 in the music video and features a Natalie Grant song called, The Real Me).

For more information on my journey with Grace, please click, here.