Do you have something in your closet that you love? I mean, a go to shirt? A pair of “Have you lost weight?” pants?  I don’t have a huge wardrobe, but I have a few things that I really enjoy wearing.  This shirt from H&M is one of them.

Here is why:

It looks great with jeans. (Umm, I wear jeans almost every day.)

It has cool sleeves that you can roll up, or leave down.

I love the pretty pleats even though ironing is involved. (I do not iron. Much.)

I can layer under it, over it, or both.

It cost about $20.

People always compliment it.

So what do you have that you love? Give up the source please, so we can all go check it out. Speaking of sources, did you know that you can buy from Forever 21 online?  I shop this store for inexpensive trendy pieces and great accessories.  I always feel a little bit out of my age bracket when I shop in store.  {Am I the only one?}  Plus, if you don’t live near a store, well you know!  For more great spring fashion ideas, go check out What I Wore with Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy!

the pleated poppy blog