*Steal – to carry away

Websters Dictionary of 1828

{As a child of Grace in Christ, no one or no thing can take me from His hand.  What I’m referring to here, is my attitude, my heart, and what happens in my home, when I let the fellowship of Grace be carried away from me because of the stuff of life.}

  1. Comparing my really hard days, to others really not so hard days.
  2. Not checking my heart with Jesus, first thing every day.
  3. Living without accountability.
  4. Hiding.
  5. Allowing anger to have its full way with me.
  6. Focusing on tasks, not relationship.
  7. Carrying guilt that is not mine.
  8. Busyness.
  9. Worrying too much about what THEY think of me.
  10. Not getting enough rest because I’m too tired to go to bed.

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I’m linking up with Amanda this week, for:

Top Ten {Tuesday}