The turkey is roasting in the oven at 325. I’ve been on my feet cooking for hours, when I think, “How did my mom make it look so easy?” I smile and think of her amazing chocolate pies and miss being home, today.

I don’t have a good plan for the Thanksgiving table setting, and so I shoot from the hip like I always do. I pull out brown craft paper and ask my 8 year old to gather everything Crayola and we put them in mason jars.  I scribble the words, Give Thanks, add a simple candle and some pretty leaves.

I invite them to scribble, thanks too. And they, do…





the cross


and yes, unicorns….

My hand runs over each image, a thanksgiving mosaic of gratitude. Tears well, because even after my own journey of counting 1,000 gifts, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.