I had not planned on writing a blog post today, but I am feeling random and chatty.  So here are 10 things on my mind…

  1. My favorite Christmas treat is iced cut out cookies.  Although buckeyes (peanut butter balls)  run a close second.
  2. I have lost the ability to nap.  In college, I could sleep anywhere – like the student union and magically wake myself up in time for class.  Oh, I miss those days.
  3. My mom may have won me over to her favorite tea blend called Bengal Spice.  It is growing on me,especially with cream, sugar, and double whip.  Yum.
  4. We celebrate Advent around here, and have for the past 9 years.  Each Sunday we give our girls a small gift, light a candle and discuss the coming of Christ.  I love this time, but it is work for mama.  But aren’t all traditions?
  5. I have a secret love for Christmas sweaters.  Especially the ones that light up.  It takes a special confident woman to wear a sweater that lights up.
  6. Every year I read “The Worst Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson to my girls.  In this story they learned about fat camp, smoking cigars, and the true meaning of Christmas.  I laugh hysterically when I read it to them.
  7. I bought *Truth in the Tinsel by the adorable Amanda of “Impress Your Kids”.  If you want to score big with yours, you should, too.  It says it is for preschool aged kids, but my 12 year old loved making the ornament yesterday.  There are 24 to choose from. We are only attempting about 6, because I don’t want to impress my kids too much.  It is only $4.99, that is like the cost of one peppermint mocha.
  8. I ordered sweet crocheted headbands for my daughters through Very Jane.  Do you know about Very Jane?  Love their daily deals.
  9. Amazon rocks.  Did you see this? (p.s. I am an affiliate who never sells enough to actually get paid. That said, I have peppered this post with Amazon affiliate links.)
  10. Jesus came to bring us Joy and that is what I’m choosing to focus on this Christmas.  What about you?

*also affiliate link


Have a super weekend!  I’ll be standing in a gigantic Christmas Tree at my church singing loudly for all to hear!

I hope you find Joy in Jesus today!